SOYL newsletter December 2016
1. Winter Workshops prove popular with farmers across the UK
SOYL’s series of Winter Workshops is well underway, with over 450 people having attended the nine events already completed across the UK during late November and December.
Delegates with varying farm sizes have attended so far, showing that no farm is too big or small to benefit from precision farming practices. The free workshops offer insight into the latest developments from SOYL, how they can be practically implemented on farm and the proven benefits of a precision crop production approach.
Presentations are delivered by SOYL’s senior management team and technical staff, including commercial director, Simon Parrington. Some of Simon’s key messages have included information on how precision agriculture has developed quickly in the last few years and how the advent of ‘big data’ is driving the industry forward. As a leading pioneer in the precision farming sector, SOYL is focused on developing innovative technology to help farmers use this valuable data to gain a return on investment by growing crops in a more profitable way.
Four more workshops take place in January and February, so don’t miss out; register now with your area manager, call 01635 204190, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or book online here.
Remaining SOYL winter workshop dates and locations:
2. Talk to the experts at LAMMA 2017
Growers visiting next year’s LAMMA event can meet SOYL’s expert team at stand 7103 in hall 7.
As well as live demonstrations of the latest updates to online business management tool, MySOYL, visitors will have chance to discuss how precision techniques can benefit their business, including the innovative iSOYL variable rate app and iSOYLscout app, which gives growers the ability to scout fields for all manner of data and log it in one place. The Topsoil Mapper variable depth cultivation system will also be on show.
Held again at the East of England Showground, Peterborough, on 18th and 19th January, LAMMA is the UK’s leading farm machinery, equipment and services show.
3. New MySOYL subscription levels to meet your needsFollowing the launch of SOYL’s updated MySOYL data platform in October, it is now possible for growers to manage their land using a wide range of maps and data sources. MySOYL now enables storage and review of nutrient maps of P, K, Mg and pH levels, soil conductivity and soil type, establishment figures, yield maps, performance maps and iSOYLscout field scouting information.
From 2017, varying MySOYL subscription levels are available, with a basic free subscription package offering access to your nutrient maps and new online crop input form as standard. Bronze and silver packages unlock various levels of data storage and features, while with the top level gold package also allows growers to access contoured yield and performance maps.
These different subscription levels give growers access to just what they need for their farming business and each level can be upgraded as those needs change. With all field data in one easy to use place, a MySOYL gold package provides the ultimate tool for making on-farm decisions based on nutrients, yield, crop performance and inputs. For more information, call 01635 204190 or speak to your local area manager.
4. Are you putting nitrogen where it's needed?
The 2017 nitrogen application season will soon be upon us and the latest updates to SOYL’s variable rate nitrogen service will aid on-farm decision making to maximise the effectiveness of this valuable input.
New features for the SOYLsense service include more satellite imagery sources, with up to eight satellites available to collect crop growth data with improved regularity and detail. In addition, the SOYL development team has added extra features, including a task name field box to make it easier to select the application file you need when sat in the tractor or sprayer. Keeping track of applications both in and post season is even easier with a clearer reporting function and a total N report.
Ten years of extensive SOYL trials have shown that variable rate nitrogen provides a tangible return on investment, with an average yield increase of 4.6%.
The start of the nitrogen season is only a few weeks away, but there is still time to book in fields and send cropping plans with variety and drill date to your area manager. Alternatively, contact the SOYL applications team on 01635 204190 for more details on the service.
5. Christmas wishes from SOYL
Thank you for your support and custom in 2016. We wish you a happy and peaceful holiday season and look forward to working with you in the New Year.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @SOYLprecision for regular updates on soils, nutrients, machinery and GPS.
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